
Clocking It: Time Management That Rocks

Businesswoman strapped for 797722

These successful people have offered some of the best — and oftentimes unconventional — advice for people in their 20s: Warren Buffett: Exercise humility and restraint. So just keep your mouth shut today, and see if you feel the same way tomorrow. Maya Angelou: Make your own path. Annie Henderson, gave me advice that I have used for 65 years.

But you want to make it adult, you need to realize the amount of your time. When last month I launched a Kickstarter campaign en route for fund my startup, I didn't be asleep the first three days, it seems. Launching and running a company drains you of time. I manage altogether this along with my company, Certainly Man Watches. Realize that everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, yet to make the a good number of time you need to be concerned about your use of it. Set abrupt term goals to achieve long-term ones.

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