A contributing factor to this situation is that the meaning of fun in learning is unclear, and its possible role is controversial. This study investigated the beliefs and attitudes of a sample of distance education students including pre-services and in-service teachers, consultants and education professionals using a mixed-method approach. The findings revealed that However, Principal component analysis revealed three groups of students who found 1 fun relevant in socio-constructivist learning 2 no fun in traditional transmissive learning and 3 disturbing fun in constructivist learning.
This article has been cited by erstwhile articles in PMC. Abstract High-achieving students face greater expectations in competitive societies such as China, which can block their performance. An idiographic approach is employed to examine typical cases after that their semiotic mediation in the self-identity regulative process. These specific semiotic arbitration processes indicate that, when self-identity is narrow and result oriented, it is easy for excessive future-oriented self-demands en route for be imposed, thereby bringing pressure en route for the individual at that moment. Our prior studies, while having different aims, utilized similar methods, such as using playful activities like drama and storytelling, conducted in small groups of students with varying academic abilities. During these activities, which were separate from the daily teaching modules, students who normally attained high scores at school performed less well in these activities. They felt constrained and nervous and had low participation levels, and overall, their performance was poor.
Although students should also be aware of drug and alcohol culture on property. Use of alcohol and drugs, as well as prescription drugs, is not as anathema as it used to be, after that the casual attitude toward substance abuse can make drugs and alcohol appear less risky. Use this guide en route for prepare for experiences involving drugs before alcohol in college, recognize substance batter and seek help and learn a propos the myths and realities of property drinking and drug culture to cross through college in a fun after that healthy way. A Reality Check A propos Drugs and Alcohol on Campus A lot of students get their first real experiences with substance use and abuse after they begin college. The freedom after that ease of experimentation during college be able to be both exciting and scary, after that there are plenty of myths after that stereotypes surrounding substance use to accomplish sense of. Getting familiar with a few common warnings and situations-and the realities behind them-can help students make smarter choices about substance use.