Are you an expert at something, have an interesting story, or a good lesson to teach If you have experience or expertise in a topic that will be of interest to CS members, you may submit an article to be published on the site. Post your own Article ». What makes a man a Gentleman??????????? Well I don't usually sit down and write things, but I think I have a good story to tell. I went to the local coffee shop with friends this morning I am a people watcher and like to see their reactions to different propblems. We got are coffee and sandwich.
A gentlewoman is that woman in your life who, whenever you go designed for dinner or drinks with her, you come away from feeling really uplifted and inspired. She knows herself, likes herself and is confident in body that person. This makes her a good, reliable and supportive friend. A gentlewoman looks inwards so she be able to project outwards and be fully acquaint with in the world around her after that engaged in the relationships that affair. There are more similarities between gentlewomen and gentlemen than differences. They convey self-confidence.