
How Can I Find Out If My Boyfriend Has an STD Before We Have Sex?

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Learn about our Medical Review Board Print Sex with a new partner may be something that you are waiting for and planning, or it could be something that happens spontaneously. Regardless, if you feel like things could be headed in that direction, it's a good idea to ask them some questions ahead of time so that you can feel more confident about moving forward and protecting your health. These questions can help both you and your new partner protect your physical health. If you ask people if they've been tested for sexually transmitted diseases STDsthey're likely to say yes. Despite what some may think, healthcare providers do not automatically test for these diseases during annual exams. Rather, only some STD tests are recommended for certain individuals at different times. If someone says they have been tested for STDs, they should be able to tell you what diseases they've been tested for. If they can't, they may be mistaken about having been tested. They can call their healthcare provider's office and ask for their most recent testing results to confirm one way or the other.

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