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Rachel Jewkes: az. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract Research shows that gender power inequity in relationships and intimate partner violence places women at enhanced risk of HIV infection. Men who have been violent towards their partners are more likely to have HIV. Men's behaviours show a clustering of violent and risky sexual practices, suggesting important connections. This paper draws on Raewyn Connell's notion of hegemonic masculinity and reflections on emphasized femininities to argue that these sexual, and male violent, practices are rooted in and flow from cultural ideals of gender identities. The latter enables us to understand why men and women behave as they do, and the emotional and material context within which sexual behaviours are enacted. In South Africa, while gender identities show diversity, the dominant ideal of black African manhood emphasizes toughness, strength and expression of prodigious sexual success.

Ball Health Action. Published online Dec 5. This article has been cited as a result of other articles in PMC. Abstract Backdrop There is a dearth of experiential research illuminating possible connections between femininity imbalances and sexual violence among conjugal women in Tanzania. There is a need to generate in-depth information arrange the connectivity between gender imbalances irregular resource ownership, sexual decision making, roles, and norms and sexual violence add to associated HIV risky sexual behavior along with married women. Design This paper is based on a qualitative case analyse that involved use of focus arrange discussions FGDs. A thematic analysis accost was used in analyzing the analyse findings. Results The study findings are presented under the three structures of gender and power theory.

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