
17 Relationship Experts Reveal the Red Flags You’re Missing on First Dates

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By Julia Malacoff July 26, Figuring out just the right thing to thing to say to a girl on a first date is tricky. After all, first dates are always a delicate balancing act. On the one hand, you want to appear interested, engaging, and just flirtatious enough that she knows it's a date and not a one-way ticket to the friend zone. That's why it's more important than ever to know exactly what to say on that first date. It's not always easy, of course—especially when nerves come into play and you two aspiring lovebirds struggle to find your conversational footing. But to help you say all of the right things that fall squarely in that sweet spot, we reached out to several top relationships and dating experts to gather all of the great one-liners you can have in your pocket to keep the conversation exactly where it should be: on the right track.

We may earn commission from links arrange this page, but we only advise products we love. Basically, I allow a sixth sense for sniffing absent red flags from miles away. You text me at 3 a. Acceptable, fine. Like, following you on IG right away or meeting you by a bar with all their coworkers?! Insists on ordering your food before drinks. In reality, it could absolutely be a sign of a controlling person. Has zero opinion. If your date insists you decide everything a propos your first get-together, they may be battling with a low confidence aim.

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