
30 Things Women Always Want to Hear

Ladies are 329842

Leading questions Body image I spend a stupid amount of time thinking about my appearance. How can I care less? This preoccupation is understandable, writes advice columnist Eleanor Gordon-Smith. Yet, despite my immense luck and privilege, I spend a stupid amount of time thinking about my appearance. I scrutinise my face and body every day. Even more oppressive is my fear of getting older: I am constantly anxious about how my looks will slip as I age.

Bring to a halt yourself some slack! Make mistakes accordingly you can learn and grow as of them. Embrace your past. So, disregard about that voice in your advance that says you need to be perfect. Make mistakes — lots of them!

It was as though some great artistic mountain had been scaled by hiking straight up a steep slope, at the same time as if there were neither time nor patience for switchbacks. To see Wek celebrated was exhilarating and vertiginous. All about her was the opposite of what had come before. We are in a better place than we were a generation ago, but we have not arrived at utopia.

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