
I Tried Having An Orgasm a Day for a Month — And It Totally Changed My Sex Life

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We may earn money from the links on this page. Nov 25, HBO When it comes to health and wellness trends and gimmicks, I consider myself a professional lab rat on board with anything short of amputating a limb. I've allowed acupuncturists to jab needles into my forehead, let a strawberry lipo laser penetrate 13 millimeters into my abdomen to melt fat, and had my vagina tightened with a laser. And yet, I've somehow managed to neglect trying the easiest, most satisfying, and healthy not to mention totally free! Let's talk facts first. An orgasm is, of course, that explosive, blissful moment when all of your sexual stars align and the vagina contracts in intensely pleasurable waves.

Femininity Women with persistent genital arousal disorder: 'People hear orgasm and they assume it's a good thing' Sufferers of PGAD can feel constantly on the brink of an orgasm. One affair they all share is pain, after that distress at the way their acclimatize is covered in the media Kim Ramsey, who has lived with PGAD for six years: 'It feels akin to you're out of control. It reads more like the title of a film on YouPorn than the advantage of an article about a devastating medical condition. More often than not, PGAD sufferers are treated as hypersexual oddities. But PGAD actually has actual little to do with orgasms, after that absolutely nothing to do with amusement. The condition, largely suffered by women, is characterised by an implacable affection of genital congestion and pelvic ache. Those who have it often air permanently on the verge of an orgasm that they can't complete — a sort of chronic clitoral constipation. PGAD sufferers soon learn to avert triggers.

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