
Why have I gone off sex? These are the most common issues for couples

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Question: The last time I had sex was in Since inviting you to send us your questions around sex and relationships, we've seen themes around libido, lust, casual sex and sexual dysfunction. But when someone writes to tell us they haven't had sex since because they're trying too hard, we really wanted to help. That's why we're glad we can share responses from our resident sexologist Tanya Koens in this way — to help anyone who may also be struggling with something that's hard to talk about IRL. Answer: Thank you for writing in and telling us about your situation. That's a long time to go without sex or connection when it has been something you desire. I often see people who haven't had sex for long periods of time, and those reasons are many and varied. When it comes to trying too hard or being too keen, I see this a lot and it's grounded in anxiety and a desire to 'do well' or 'get it right'.

By first blush, casual dating can appear like an effortless way to build new connections and ease loneliness devoid of having to get too attached. Can you repeat that? if you take a short caper together? Serious relationships usually involve:. A lot of people commit to one partner absolutely or monogamously once things get acute. But you can develop serious relationships even if you practice nonmonogamy. Polyamorous dating can involve both casual after that serious relationships.

Having trouble getting in the mood before achieving orgasm? The solution might be as simple as knowing what you like in the bedroom. Here are 6 tips that can help women enjoy sexual intimacy. The benefits of sex extend beyond the bedroom.

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