
7 Little Things You Can Do During Sex To Boost Your Bond With Your Partner

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We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. Why trust us? But either way, it's no myth that sexwhether kinky or romantic, is a powerful way to increase intimacy with your partner and deepen your bond. Check out the Prevention Calendar for days of slimming secrets, sex tips, and wellness motivation! Even science says so. Here are 8 things that happen to your body during sex. Oxytocin decreases feelings of stress and dramatically increases feelings of trust, security, bonding, and love, says California-based couples therapist Mary Kay Cocharo, LMFT. Skin to skin touching triggers the release of these hormones, making stripping down with your partner one of the quickest and easiest ways to deepen your bond—even before the main event starts. And there are actually additional steps you can take during intercourse to strengthen your connection with your partner further.

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