
10 Honest Reasons Men Like Having Sex With Older Women

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Now is a great time to continue to learn, explore, and think about the future. Change is normal. As we develop, so do our sexual desires. The key to great sex after 50 is knowing your body and its changes well enough so you can understand your sexual needs. Education Make sure to get your information from reliable, sex-positive sources. Once you understand your body and what gives you pleasure, you can start exploring.

This site is no longer being updated. No topic was off-limits. Read their illuminating responses below. Now, do we have sex a lot???

Analyse Finds High Rate of Sexual Agreement in Women Over 80 Frequency before lack of sex is not a significant factor by Candy SagonJanuary 6, An older woman can be content with her sex life even but she's not having sex, according en route for a new survey. The survey of more than older women in Southern California, ages 40 tofound that those under 55 and those over 80 were most likely to say they were satisfied with their sex lives. About half of the women reported having sex in the past month, either with or without a affiliate. However, almost half of women who had not had sex in the past month also declared themselves content with their sex lives. The analyse, published this week in the American Journal of Medicineasked the women en route for rate their levels of sexual appeal and arousal, lubrication adequacy and ache during penetrationas well as how commonly they experience orgasm. Among the study's findings: Only one in five of the women who had engaged all the rage sexual activity in the past month said they frequently felt a above what be usual level of sexual desire, while one-third reported low, very low or denial sexual desire. Yet The frequency of arousal, lubrication and orgasm decreased along with age.

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