
What You Should Know About Finding a Couple to Have a Threesome With

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Here's what worked and what didn't, and how they pulled it off. Adding an extra body to a sexual encounter is hot as hell for any number of reasons, not least of which is just the sheer visual and physical sensory overload that comes with it. In practice, threesomes are actually not that common. For monogamous couples, on the other hand, threesomes might be the single exception to the rule of exclusivity—and experimenting with it might involve some unexpected emotional turbulence along the way. The possibility was always on the table for us, but we pursued it more seriously during a period of non-monogamy. Our first one was with a woman she connected with on OKCupid who brought up the idea first, so there was little tension or awkwardness when we all met up for drinks and went back to our place for a one-night stand. Our second partner was a long-time friend we dated for a few months after the first hookup.

Here's what you need to know en route for protect your relationship and enjoy the ride. My boyfriend suggested a threesome with a third woman. I've all the time been curious, so I'm game. Although I'm also nervous about hurting our relationship if things go awry. How can we prepare for — after that avoid — that? Threesomes are an extremely common fantasy if not the most common , especially for men, and more and more women are feeling the pull, too.

Two of my friends and I had talked about it: We were commonly interested in each other, and we were mutually interested in having a threesome. Great, step one accomplishedI accepted wisdom to myself. We know we absence to make it happen, but how, exactly, do we have a threesome? Concerns began to swarm my advance. Would we meet at one of our houses? None of us lived alone, so how were we available to make that work? What but one of us fell asleep arrange the way there?

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