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The closest I get is hearing erstwhile men joking about their wives not being interested in sex any add, but we were never really attract in sex, even when we met 25 years ago. She was a minute ago a delight to be with after that I loved her company and actual quickly loved her. We spent at the same time as much time together as we could and although we hugged and kissed and held hands neither of us mentioned going further. When I proposed I did the whole thing of asking her dad, buying a air and taking her out for a romantic dinner. We were quite calm and while we were away arrange honeymoon we had sex a a small amount of times I think because we felt we should and we were charmed when Alison got pregnant straightaway. She was quite sick and then feeding, so our daughter was actually all but two when we had sex all over again. None of our friends or ancestor would believe that we have a sexless marriage. There was never a few sweaty fumbling with him and it felt like we relaxed and got to know each other properly.

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