
The Confidence Gap

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Why have women failed to achieve parity with men in the workplace? Meta-analyses of published studies show that those ideas are myths—men and women actually have similar inclinations, attitudes, and skills. According to numerous meta-analyses of published research, men and women are actually very similar with respect to key attributes such as confidence, appetite for risk, and negotiating skill. Companies must instead address the organizational conditions that lead to lower rates of retention and promotion for women. The conversation about the treatment of women in the workplace has reached a crescendo of late, and senior leaders—men as well as women—are increasingly vocal about a commitment to gender parity. The discussions, and many of the initiatives companies have undertaken, too often reflect a faulty belief: that men and women are fundamentally different, by virtue of their genes or their upbringing or both. Of course, there are biological differences.

His expertise lies in the field of market research and he applies his scientific skills to educate women along with all they need to know a propos men. Here's an excerpt:. After looking it over for about fifteen minutes, Beth returned the report to my desk and told me I was a male chauvinist. I was taken aback for a moment. I was fond of Beth and trying en route for help her, so after I recovered, I asked her what made her think that.

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