
Prayers and Thanksgivings

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You are viewing the old version of the Forward Movement prayer site, which is no longer updated. Grant us patience, O Lord, to follow the road you have taken. Let our confidence not rest in our own understanding but in your guiding hand; let our desires not be for our own comfort, but for the joy of your kingdom; for your cross is our hope and our joy now and unto the day of eternity. Holy God, your knowledge of me exceeds what I grasp or see in any moment; you know me better than I know myself. Now, help me to trust in your mercy, to see myself in the light of your holiness, and grant me the grace that I may have true contrition, make an honest confession, and find in you forgiveness and perfect remission. Lord Jesus, who traveled with the disciples on the road to Emmaus: Be with us on the way, that we may know you in the scriptures, in the breaking of bread, and in the hearts of all whom we meet. I give God thanks for all that was good in the day that is ending. I ask God's mercy on my sins and omissions this day. I seek God's peace in my home and in all the world this night.

By your church, as a volunteer, arrange your staff, as customers. An anaemic person can infect your team akin to toxins infect the human body. Afterwards some exposure, everyone feels sick. The optimist in you and me anticipate toxic people will become better. The good news is, sometimes they accomplish. I find usually the people who are moderately impressed or even disinterested on the first visit and affectionate up over time are the ones who are most healthy in the long run. Naturally, we all allow opinions that are valid. But all the rage a healthy human relationship, we aloofness opinions about others until we are asked the share them.

Our actions and our words as followers of Jesus have the power en route for attract or repel people from Christianity. The number of people who by no means go to church or follow Jesus keeps growing. And their thinking keeps changing. Well, in addition to modeling humility, grace, truth, love and accordingly many other things that describe the earliest Christ-followers, we Christians can attend to our words.

The joys and the hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of the men of this age, especially those who are poor or in any approach afflicted, these are the joys after that hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the followers of Christ. Indeed, naught genuinely human fails to raise an echo in their hearts. For theirs is a community composed of men. United in Christ, they are led by the Holy Spirit in their journey to the Kingdom of their Father and they have welcomed the news of salvation which is meant for every man. That is why this community realizes that it is truly linked with mankind and its history by the deepest of bonds. Hence this Second Vatican Council, having probed more profoundly into the ambiguity of the Church, now addresses itself without hesitation, not only to the sons of the Church and en route for all who invoke the name of Christ, but to the whole of humanity.

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