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Supervisors, managers and human resources staff who are responsible for making hiring decisions must be trained and educated to identify and eliminate discrimination, harassment and barriers to advancement for persons protected by the Code. This is specifically prohibited in section 23 4 of the Code. Employment agencies cannot screen applicants based on discriminatory grounds, and are not allowed to keep a record of client preferences of this kind. When using an employment agency or search firm, employers should make sure that the agency or firm is aware that they are an equal opportunity employer and wish to see a broad range of candidates. A best practice is to have a multi-person panel conduct formal interviews. Ideally, the interview panel should reflect the diversity available in the organization. They should develop set questions in advance, and ask all applicants the same questions.

Animation 'Am I failing my people? Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission as of purchases made through links on this page. As I skimmed my eyes across the rows of boxes, I landed on what I was looking for: a jumbo box of Rice Krispies. I turned around and adage a handsome black man waiting patiently, with a cart full of groceries and a warm smile that concisely invigorated my tired spirit after a long day of work. He was wearing a professional outfit, leather adorn shoes and a brown wool houndstooth coat with the collar popped. I smiled and apologized for holding him up. We apologize, but this capture has failed to load. This bump into was nothing unusual; I frequently allow similar encounters with strangers at the grocery store.

Gerald and his young son Gregory drove across the Oklahoma border into a nightmare. A career soldier and a highly decorated veteran of Desert Blizzard and Operation United Shield in Somalia, SFC Gerald, a black man of Panamanian descent, found that he could not travel more than 30 minutes through the state without being blocked twice: first by the Roland Capital Police Department, and then by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol. During the agree with stop, which lasted two-and-half hours, the troopers terrorized SFC Gerald's year-old daughter with a police dog, placed equally father and son in a blocked car with the air conditioning bad and fans blowing hot air, after that warned that the dog would act of violence if they attempted to escape. Central through the episode — perhaps realizing the extent of their lawlessness — the troopers shut off the beat car's video evidence camera. Perhaps, also, the officers understood the power of an image to stir people en route for action. SFC Gerald was only an infant in when a stunned citizen watched on television as Birmingham Constabulary Commissioner Bull Connor used powerful animate hoses and vicious police attack dogs against nonviolent black civil rights protesters.

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