
Cost of Growing up in Dysfunctional Family

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All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files. This review revealed 2 predominant alpha female representations in the literature—one more masculine versus one more feminine—and 21 alpha female variables. The measure of masculine traits was identified as the only predictor of alpha female status as per the multiple regression model. Interestingly, both alpha and non-alpha women scored the same for the measure of feminine traits. Further, both groups scored higher for feminine traits than masculine traits. The results also revealed that neither social dominance nor sexual dominance were predictors of alpha female status which challenge academic and popularized representations of this identity.

J Fam Med Dis Prev Abstract The definition of a family dynamic is the scheme of family members' relations and interactions including many prerequisite elements family arrangements, hierarchies, rules, and patterns of family interactions. Each family is unique in its characteristics; having a number of helpful and unhelpful dynamics. The victims of dysfunctional families may have dogged deprived guilty feelings. Introduction Victimized children growing up in a dysfunctional ancestor are innocent and have absolutely denial control over their toxic life environment; they grew up with multiple affecting scarring caused by repeated trauma after that pain from their parents' actions, words, and attitudes. Ultimately, they will allow a different growth and nurture of their individual self.

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