
Is It Love or Is It Just Good Sex? 5 Ways to Tell the Difference

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A staggering 89 per cent of partners have climaxed at the same time during their relationshipaccording to the survey. And almost four in 10 couples - 37 per cent - claim they share their orgasms at least half of the time they have sex. A shared orgasm is the peak sexual experience for 57 per cent of men, but fewer women 46 per cent feel the same way, the study found. This could be because climaxing during intercourse is more difficult for women. Three quarters of male participants said they orgasm almost every time they have full sex, compared to only 28 per cent of women. However, only 24 per cent of men experienced the same difficulties. Having an orgasm was found to be the main goal when having sex for 42 per cent of men and a fewer 35 per cent of women. Video Loading Click to play Tap to play The video will auto-play soon8Cancel Play now A shared orgasm is a goal six out of ten couples - 61 per cent - try to achieve regularly when they have sex, the study found.

September 12, Medically Reviewed Achieving an orgasm can feel like an uphill argue sometimes, but with the right analysis and treatment, you can start climaxing more often. Getty Images Sex is fun, feels good, and is a great way to be physically after that emotionally close to your partner. Although without an orgasm, it can be a less satisfying experience for equally of you. While some women can have difficulty achieving an orgasm after that may never have truly experienced individual, men can have orgasm difficulties at the same time as well, especially if there are animal or emotional issues at play all the rage the relationship. The good news is that the right diagnosis and action can teach you how to orgasm and have a satisfying sexual affiliation. Read on to learn how.

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