
Six Types of Affairs: One-Night Stand

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Originally Published: June 19, People tend to have a lot of strong feelings about having sex with an ex. Some are convinced the sex is better the second time around, while others assert that it only ends in heartbreak. Participants kept logs of their post-break up experiences, including whether or not they tried to initiate sex with an ex partner. And there may good reason that exes found comfort in pursuing each other. Here are eigh things to keep in mind before you have sex with an ex. Isabelle MorleyPsyD tells Bustle.

We may earn commission from the acquaintance on this page. Well, it's complex. Feb 26, IMDB Exes typically accident into one of two categories: the kind we block on social media and cross the street to avert, and the kind we dream a propos landing in our DMs and administration into on a good hair day—perhaps fanning a flame that never went all the way out. But can you repeat that? about the exes we maintain acquaintance with—you know, the kind who accomplish our phones light up at 2 a.

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